In working with families, family businesses and family offices on their vision and strategic plans, we’ve long discussed how the vision and values should identify where to focus your efforts and attention.
Many times, we’ve looked at business opportunities and evaluated whether they aligned with the family’s values, as well as their vision. We’ve targeted investments, new businesses, philanthropic initiatives, succession plans, training programs, and much more based on their desired future-legacy. This has been a clear benefit of knowing who you are, where you want to go, and what is important to you. You can choose to change your vision, but don’t operate outside of it.
As I created the vision and values for Big Canyon Advisors, I was reminded of another benefit to having a clear vision and purpose: providing boundaries about what not to do. I am focused on inspiring families to achieve their legacy for the next 100 years; spending time on activities that don’t support that vision is a distraction, limiting my success.
Recently, several people have approached us about referral opportunities with good, solid companies. However, while such arrangements could be profitable for the business, since they are not within the vision (and are potential conflicts of interest), we have declined these opportunities. Our vision statement has helped us understand not just where we are going, but also where we should not go in order to stay on track.
Having a clear vision and strategy for the family and business keeps us moving toward our goals, while also providing boundaries to help us say “no” to things that could distract or waylay us on the path toward success. This is just as true of the families, businesses and family offices with which we are working.
Please reach out about creating a vision and strategic plan to support your legacy.
Flower Mound, Texas
Serving families and businesses across the United States.
Exodus 33:15